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Everlastic® SBR/Neoprene Rubber Waterstop

Rubber waterstops provide superior performance in withstanding shear movements and to resist hydrostatic pressure.

The product will elongate four times its original size and continue to near original shape after repeated movement. Rubber waterstops have a very low compression set and perform well at low temperatures.

The Williams System features sleeve-type fittings that provide fast positive splicing and precise waterstop alignment. Fittings are manufactured from the same elastomers/polymers as the waterstop.

Typical Physical Properties
Physical Property ASTM test Method “Williams Spec. 2010 Hi-Tensile (SBR) Styrene Butadiene” “Williams Specification 1025 Hi-Tensile Neoprene”
Tensile strength, min (PSI) ASTM D412 2500* 2500*
Ultimate Elongation, Min (%) ASTM D412 450 450
Hardness, Shore A durometer ASTM D2240 65 +/- 5% 65 +/- 5%
Tensile Stress min PSI to produce 300% elongation ASTM D412 1150 1150
Water Absorption, max % by weight after
immersion 7 days at 73.4 degrees F +/- 2 F
ASTM D471 5 5
Compression Set, Max % after 22 hours at 158 degrees F ASTM D395
Method B
30 30
Tensile Strength after aging, Min % of original
after 7 days in air at 158 degrees +/- 2 degrees F, and 300 PSI
ASTM D572 80 80
Specific Gravity ASTM D1817 1.17 +/- .03 1.17 +/- .03
Ozone cracking resistance after 20% elongation for 7 days 0.5 p/m at 38 degrees C (neoprene 3 p/m) ASTM D1149 No cracks No cracks
Tensile set, % max after 200% elongation for 10 min at
23 degrees +/- 1 degree C
ASTM D412 5 5

*3000 PSI from actual part / test sheets