

As hot or cold applied sealant backup
To fill vertical and horizontal joints
Acoustical partition closures
Corrugated deck closures and much more

Available Sizes and Packaging

1/8” – 4” Thickness
May be laminated to other thicknesses
Widths: cut to order. Minimum ½”, Maximum 48”

Contact us

P: 800.521.9594 or


Everlastic® Cavity Wall Baffle

This product is a cross-linked, closed-cell, ethylene/vinyl acetate foam that is lightweight, flexible, resilient and non-absorpent.

 The product is resistant to heat, ultraviolet, acids, alkalis, gasoline & oil. It is also resistant to aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, oxidation and ozone.

Typical Physical Properties
Property Test Method Typical Values
Density ( ft.) ASTM D3575-91 2.3 ± 0.5
Compression/Deflection (psi)
To compress to 25%
ASTM D1056-91 5 ± 2
Recovery at 50%
Extrusion at 50%
ASTM D1752-84 Modified
(10psi Min. to 25psi Max.)
0.10 inch**
Ultimate Tensile Strength ASTM D3575-91 50psi
Water Absorption ASTM D1056-91 ˂5% (max gain by weight)
Odor N/A No Objectionable Odor
K Factor N/A 0.25
Service Temperature
High Continuous
High Intermittent
N/A negative 70°F
Flame Resistance MVSS-302 Pass
Accelerated Aging (7 Days)
158° Flexibility
180° Bend Without Cracking
Appearance Change in Compression/Deflection
N/A Pass
± 30

“*After Removal of load, material shall recover to 95% of original thickness within 24 hours.
**When compressed to 50% of the original thickness with three sides restrained, the unrestrained edge shall not extrude more than
0.25 inches.”